





她们的传奇 剧照 NO.1她们的传奇 剧照 NO.2她们的传奇 剧照 NO.3她们的传奇 剧照 NO.4她们的传奇 剧照 NO.5她们的传奇 剧照 NO.6


 1 ) 她和她

记录她们的名字 ♪克莱门汀·德莱特 大胡子女士 ♫恩津加 恩东戈王国及马坦巴王国女王 ♬玛格丽特·汉密尔顿 演员 ♪烈焰飞蝶 抗争姐妹花 ♫约瑟芬娜·范·戈库姆 固执的恋人 ♬洛森 战士兼萨满 ♪安妮特·凯勒曼 美人鱼 ♫迪莉娅·艾克利 探险家 ♬乔瑟芬·贝克 舞蹈家、法国抵抗组织成员、母亲 ♪托芙·扬松 画家、精灵之母 ♫阿格诺迪斯 妇科医生 ♬莱伊曼·古博韦 社会工作者 ♪乔吉娜·瑞德 灯塔守护者 ♫克里斯蒂娜·乔根森 名人 ♬武则天 皇帝 ♪坦普·葛兰汀 动物行为学家 ♫索妮塔·阿里扎德 说唱歌手 ♬谢莉尔·布里奇斯 田径运动员 ♪特蕾丝·克莱尔 现实的理想主义者 ♫贝蒂·戴维斯 词曲作家 ♬娜丽·布莱 记者 ♪普兰·黛维 匪王 ♫The Shaggs乐队 摇滚歌星 ♬卡蒂娅·克拉夫特 火山学家 ♪杰西琳·拉达克 律师 ♫海蒂·拉玛 演员、发明家 ♬纳兹克·阿比德 活动家 ♪弗朗西丝·格莱斯纳·李 微型犯罪场景制作者 ♫梅·杰米森 宇航员 ♬佩吉·古根海姆 现代艺术的情人

 2 ) 补一篇评论







Clémentine Delait



Annette Kellerman

当然,也又让我很痛苦的事例,The Shaggs乐队,我无法理解这一集出现的意义,也许随手而为可以创造意想不到的成就,但是在童年时候被父亲逼迫着学习音乐的过程我真的无法接受,而且顺从的接受,直到父亲死亡才结束这一切的生活,这令我觉得恐怖,令我觉得窒息。在当下的环境中,女性不断觉醒的过程中,受到的阻力就是来自父母,父亲作为传统父权的不断压制,母亲则沦为帮凶,突然想到了“毒亲的问题”,对于父亲和母亲还是不同的,作为同样身份的母亲,作为母亲的身份时,她们既是压迫者,也是牺牲者。所以不要怨恨你的母亲,但是不要屈从于你的父亲,如果有一天,你觉醒了,我是赞同大胆反抗父亲的控制的,相信你,可以摆脱这种人生。


Mae Jemison







Jesselyn Radack


 3 ) ?

有点过于无语 十集的动画小短片,每集就三分钟,记录女性的成功人士。 但是手法也过于讽刺了吧?真的至于吗? 每一个所谓的传奇被如此刻画,蠢态毕露。 不过我能理解,只要观众够蠢,可能还是会看不出讽刺的意思。 🧐不过第七集是装都不装了。讲了一个什么故事呢? 有三姐妹,被老爹养大。老爹有天突然让三个姐妹拿起乐器搞乐队,虽然很突然,但是蓄谋已久。老爹觉得三姐妹生来就是搞乐队的,仅此而已。 然后三个人唯唯诺诺,搞了一张难听的专辑,然后理所当然失败了。然后乐队不搞了。 可就这样故事要结束了不就尴尬了吗? 所以不妨再尴尬点。 多年后不搞乐队的三姐妹的专辑被挖出来,被一通表扬。然后三姐妹都一头雾水。 总结一下:你生下来被别人要求干了一件事,然后你根本就不会所以没干成。然后多年后别人说你其实干的很棒。 所以你该如何应对呢? “好耶!我们成功咯!虽然我们什么都没干!” 换句话说,每一集给你看一个傻逼搞事情,然后她成功了。但是第七集直接连搞事情都不用了,就是告诉你,这几个傻逼生下来就成功了。🤯 #这就是《她们的传奇》

 4 ) Quote

为自己的身体感到骄傲是不受年龄限制的。 抱负可不是男人独有的。 去跳舞去唱歌这是生命的活力,去帮助别人这是责任。 真相往往令人不安,但揭露真相是改变现实的唯一办法。 只有妇女团结,才能带来翻天覆地的改变。 要驯服差异,就要把差异变成优势。 没有什么能够阻止对不公平的抗争。 说不定幸福就是生活在爱和创造之中呢。 要学着接受自己的独特之处。 坚持就是胜利。 尽力而为就已经很厉害了呢。 永远都要记得,梦想可及。只要有信念我们就能走的很远,无止境的远。 当我们能够发现美的时候,艺术便是让其他人也能感知这份美。 重要的是要让世界听到你的声音。 出发去冒险,永远不嫌晚。 要抗争不公就永远不能让愤怒保持沉默。 要知道真相就得在必要时刻挑战法律。 出生时的身体无关紧要,每个人都有定义自己的自由。 人不光要老还要老的好。 知识不是男人独有的。 力量和勇气不是男性的特权。 大热爱可以带来一场小革命。 自然总是充满惊喜,为什么要把它藏起来呢。 海蒂拉玛,美丽和智慧是可以并存的。 反对暴力与压迫,勇气必将战胜一切。 在伟大的真爱面前,一切皆有可能。 我们远比自己想象的要强大。 我们可以一辈子安于一个温暖的角落,也可以尽情享受冒险的火热。 funk女王,创作可不接受半吊子。 权力继承不来,要靠自己争取。

 5 ) 每集我喜欢的台词【持续更新ing】


Ten fingers aren't enough to write about all the injustice in this world.十根手指写不完这个世界上所有的不公。


And the fight goes on. When women unite, real change can begin.斗争还在继续,当女性团结起来时,真正的变革就会开始。


That which makes you different,can be your strength.你与众不同的地方就是你的优势。


No to social inequality. The battle against injustice must never end!反对社会不平等,反对不公平的斗争永远不会结束。


It's not my nose I'll change. It's my strategy. 我要改变的不是鼻子,而是策略。

You just have to embrace your singularity.你只需要接受自己的独特之处。


Perseverance can overcome anything!毅力可以战胜一切。


If you are black and a girl, you have to be twice as good to get where you want to go.如果你是一个黑人女孩,你必须加倍努力才能实现梦想。

I am black, I am a women and no one will impose any limits on me.我是黑人,我是女性,但谁都别想对我设限。

Don't ever think a dream is impossible.不要觉得梦想不可能实现。

If we believe,we can go far,really far.只要相信,我们就可以走得很远,很远。

 6 ) 那些值得记住的金句,不止说给女性

E1 Annette Kellerman ― Il n'y a pas d'âge pour être fier de son corps

E2 武则天 ― L'ambition, c'est pas réservée aux hommes.

E3 Joséphine Baker ― Dansez, chantez, c'est vital! Agir pour les autres, un devoir.

E4 Nellie Bly ― la vérité dérange, mais c'est le seul moyen de faire bouger les choses.

E5 Leymah Gbowee ― Il est temps que les femmes arrêtent d'être poliment fâchées. C'est quand les femmes s'unissent que les grands changements arrivent.

E6 Temple Grandin ― apprivoiser sa différence, c'est en faire une force.

E7 Naziq Al-Abid ― Rien ne doit arrêter le combat contre les injustices.

E8 Tove Jansson― Si le bonheur, c'était de vivre d'amour et de création.

E9 Margaret Hamilton ― Il faut savoir accepter sa singularité.

E10 Giorgina Reid ― Rien ne résiste à la persévérance.

E11 The Shaggs ― Si faire de son mieux, c'était déjà pas mal?

E12 Mae Jemison ― Je suis une femme, et personne ne m'imposera de frontière. Ne pense jamais qu'un rêve est impossible. Si on y croit, on peut aller loin, infiniment loin.

E13 Peggy Guggenheim ― Quand on sait percevoir le beau,l'art, c'est en faire profiter les autres

E14 Sonita Alizada ― Ce qui compte, c'est trouver le moyen de faire entendre sa voix.

E15 Delia Akeley― Il n'est jamais trop tard pour partir à l'aventure.

E16 Phulan Devi― contre les injustices, il ne faut jamais faire taire la voix de la colère et de l'indignation.

E17 Jesselyn Radack ― le droit à l'information est fondamentale. vouloir la vérité, c'est défier la loi quand il le faut.

E18 Christine Jorgensen― Peu importe sons corps de naissance, chacun est libre de se définir

E19 Thérèse Clerc― Je reste avant tout une femme libre. Sa vie était un combat et une fête jusqu'a la fin de ses jours. Vieillir vieux c'est bien, mais vieillir bien c'est mieux.

E20 Agnodice― il est temps que les femmes reprennent le contrôle de leur corps. Le savoir n'est pas réservé aux hommes, surtout s'il concerne le corps des femmes.

E21 Lozen― La force et la bravoure ne sont pas l'apanage des hommes.

E22 Frances Glessner Lee ― Une grande passion peut créer une petite révolution.

E23 Clémentine Delait― La nature est pleine de surprises pourquoi les cacher?

E24 Hedy Lamarr ― On a le droit d'être belle et d'avoir un cerveau.

E25 "Las Mariposas" ― Contre la violence et le répression, le courage vaincra toujours.

E26 Josephina van Gorkum ― Tout est possible à ceux qui s'aiment à si grande amour.

E27 Cheryl Bridges ― On est bien plus que ce que l'on pense être.

E28 Katia Krafft ― C'est ma vie et le risque en fait partie. On peut rester bien au chaud toute sa vie, ou préférer le feu de l'action.

E29 Betty Davis ― On n'est jamais mieux servi par soi-même. J'ai toujours été guidée par ma spontanéité. La création ne peut accepter la demi-mesure.

E30 Nzinga ― Le pouvoir ne s'hérite pas, mais il se mérite.

DeepL Translation:

E1 Annette Kellerman - There is no age to be proud of your body

E2 武则天 - Ambition is not just for men.

E3 Josephine Baker - Dance, sing, it's vital! Act for others, a duty.

E4 Nellie Bly - the truth is disturbing, but it's the only way to make things happen.

E5 Leymah Gbowee - It's time for women to stop being politely angry. It's when women unite that big changes happen.

E6 Temple Grandin - taming your difference is turning it into strength.

E7 Naziq Al-Abid - Nothing should stop the fight against injustice.

E8 Tove Jansson - If happiness was living on love and creation.

E9 Margaret Hamilton - You have to accept your uniqueness.

E10 Giorgina Reid - Nothing resists perseverance.

E11 The Shaggs - If doing your best wasn't bad enough?

E12 Mae Jemison - I'm a woman, and no one is going to hold me back. Never think a dream is impossible. If you believe in it, you can go far, infinitely far.

E13 Peggy Guggenheim - When you know how to perceive beauty, art is to share it with others

E14 Sonita Alizada - What counts is to find a way to make your voice heard.

E15 Delia Akeley- It's never too late to go on an adventure.

E16 Phulan Devi- Against injustice, never silence the voice of anger and outrage.

E17 Jesselyn Radack- the right to information is fundamental. to want the truth is to defy the law when necessary.

E18 Christine Jorgensen- No matter what body you were born in, you are free to define yourself.

E19 Thérèse Clerc- I remain above all a free woman. Her life was a fight and a party until the end of her days. To age old is good, but to age well is better.

E20 Agnodice - it is time for women to take back control of their bodies. Knowledge is not just for men, especially if it concerns women's bodies.

E21 Lozen- Strength and bravery are not just for men.

E22 Frances Glessner Lee- A great passion can create a small revolution.

E23 Clementine Delait- Nature is full of surprises why hide them?

E24 Hedy Lamarr- We have the right to be beautiful and have a brain.

E25 "Las Mariposas" - Against violence and repression, courage will always win.

E26 Josephina van Gorkum - Everything is possible to those who love each other so much.

E27 Cheryl Bridges - We are more than we think we are.

E28 Katia Krafft - This is my life and risk is part of it. You can stay warm all your life, or you can prefer the heat of the moment.

E29 Betty Davis - You are never better served by yourself. I have always been guided by my spontaneity. Creation cannot accept half measures.

E30 Nzinga - Power is not inherited, but earned.

 7 ) 摘录(维基百科)


安妮特凯勒曼:为自己的身体骄傲,是没有年龄限制的。(Annette Marie Sarah Kellermann(6 July 1887 – 6 November 1975)was an Australian professional swimmer,vaudevillestar, film actress, and writer.Kellermann was one of the first women to wear aone-piece bathing costume, instead of the then-acceptedpantaloons, and inspired others to follow her example. Kellerman's swimming costumes became so popular that she started her own fashion line of one-piece bathing suits. Kellermann helped popularize the sport ofsynchronised swimming, and authored a swimming manual. She appeared in several movies, usually with aquatic themes, and as the star of the 1916 filmA Daughter of the Godswas the first major actress toappear nudein a Hollywood production. Kellermann was an advocate of health, fitness, and natural beauty throughout her life.)


约瑟芬·贝克:去跳舞去唱歌,这是生命的活力。去帮助别人,这是责任。Josephine Baker(bornFreda Josephine McDonald, naturalised FrenchJoséphine Baker; 3 June 1906 – 12 April 1975) was an American-born French entertainer,French Resistanceagent, andcivil rightsactivist. Her career was centered primarily in Europe, mostly in her adopted France. She was the firstBlackwoman to star in a major motion picture, the 1927 silent filmSiren of the Tropics, directed byMario NalpasandHenri Étiévant.[1]During her early career, Baker was among the most celebrated performers to headline the revues of theFolies BergèreinParis. Her performance in the revueUn vent de foliein 1927 caused a sensation in the city. Her costume, consisting of only a short skirt of artificial bananas and a beaded necklace, became an iconic image and a symbol both of theJazz Ageand theRoaring Twenties.Baker was celebrated by artists and intellectuals of the era, who variously dubbed her the "Black Venus", the "Black Pearl", the "Bronze Venus", and the "Creole Goddess".[citation needed]Born inSt. Louis, Missouri, she renounced her U.S. citizenship and became a French national after her marriage to French industrialist Jean Lion in 1937.[2]She raised her children in France.She aided theFrench ResistanceduringWorld War II.[3]After the war, she was awarded theResistance Medalby theFrench Committee of National Liberation, theCroix de Guerreby theFrench military, and was named aChevalier of theLégion d'honneurby GeneralCharles de Gaulle.[4]Baker sang: "I have two loves, my country and Paris."[5]Baker refused to perform forsegregatedaudiences in the United States and is noted for her contributions to thecivil rights movement. In 1968, she was offered unofficial leadership in the movement in the United States byCoretta Scott King, followingMartin Luther King Jr.'sassassination. After thinking it over, Baker declined the offer out of concern for the welfare of her children.[6][7][third-party source needed]On 30 November 2021, she entered thePanthéonin Paris, the first black woman to receive one of the highest honors in France.[8]As her resting place is to remain inMonacoacenotaphwill be installed in vault 13 of the crypt in the Panthéon.[9]

娜丽布莱:真相往往令人不安,而揭露真相是改变现实的唯一方法。(Elizabeth Cochran Seaman(bornElizabeth Jane Cochran; May 5, 1864 – January 27, 1922), better known by her pen nameNellie Bly, was an American journalist, industrialist, inventor, and charity worker who was widely known for her record-breakingtrip around the worldin 72 days, in emulation ofJules Verne's fictional characterPhileas Fogg, and anexposéin which she worked undercover to report on a mental institution from within.She was a pioneer in her field and launched a new kind ofinvestigative journalism.)

莱伊曼·古博薇:只有女性团结,才能带来翻天覆地的改变!Leymah Roberta Gbowee(born 1 February 1972) is a Liberianpeace activistresponsible for leading a women's nonviolent peace movement,Women of Liberia Mass Action for Peacethat helped bring an end to theSecond Liberian Civil Warin 2003. Her efforts to end the war, along with her collaboratorEllen Johnson Sirleaf, helped usher in a period of peace and enabled a free election in 2005 that Sirleaf won.She, along withEllen Johnson SirleafandTawakkul Karman, were awarded the 2011Nobel Peace Prize"for theirnon-violentstruggle for the safety of women and forwomen's rightsto full participation in peace-building work."

坦普·葛兰汀:要驯服差异,就要把差异变成优势!Mary Temple Grandin(born August 29, 1947) is an American scientist and animal behaviorist. She is a prominent proponent for the humane treatment of livestock for slaughter and the author of more than 60 scientific papers on animal behavior. Grandin is a consultant to thelivestockindustry, where she offers advice on animal behavior, and is also anautismspokesperson.Grandin is one of the first autistic people to document the insights she gained from her personal experience of autism. She is currently afaculty memberwithAnimal Sciencesin the College of Agricultural Sciences atColorado State University.In 2010,Time100, an annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world, named her in the "Heroes" category.[2]She was the subject of the Emmy- and Golden Globe-winning semi-biographical filmTemple Grandin. Grandin has been an outspoken proponent ofautism rightsandneurodiversitymovements.[citation needed]

纳兹克·阿比德:没有什么能阻止对不公平的抗争。Nazik Khatim al-ʿAbid Bayhum(Arabic:نازك العابد) known as the "Joan of Arc of the Arabs"[1]was aSyrianwomen's rights activist, nationalist, and critic of Ottoman and French colonialism in Syria.[2]She was the first woman to earn rank in the Syrian Army for her role in forming the Red Star Society, a precursor to theInternational Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, during the battle ofMaysalun. She was a revolutionary fornational independenceandwomen's rightto work and vote in Syria.

托芙·扬松:说不定幸福就是生活在爱和创造之中呢?Tove Marika Jansson(Finland Swedish pronunciation:[ˈtuːve ˈjɑːnson](listen); 9 August 1914 – 27 June 2001) was aSwedish-speaking Finnishauthor, novelist, painter,illustratorandcomic stripauthor. Brought up by artistic parents, Jansson studied art from 1930 to 1938 inStockholm,HelsinkiandParis. Her first solo art exhibition was in 1943. At the same time, she was writing short stories and articles for publication, as well as creating the graphics for book covers and other purposes. She continued to work as an artist and a writer for the rest of her life.Jansson wrote theMoominbooks for children, starting in 1945 withThe Moomins and the Great Flood. The next two books,Comet in MoominlandandFinn Family Moomintroll, published in 1946 and 1948 respectively, were highly successful in sales, adding to sales of the first book. For her work as a children's writer she received theHans Christian Andersen Medalin 1966.[1][2]The Moomins also spun off to acomic strip, initially created by Jansson herself, and in 2016 Jansson was included inThe Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame.Starting with the semi-autobiographicalBildhuggarens dotter(Sculptor's Daughter) in 1968, Jansson wrote six novels, including the admired[3]Sommarboken(The Summer Book), and five books of short stories for adults.

玛格丽特·哈密尔顿:要学着接受自己的独特之处。Margaret Brainard Hamilton(December 9, 1902– May 16, 1985) was an American actress. She was best known for her portrayal of theWicked Witch of the West, and her Kansas counterpartAlmira Gulch, inMetro-Goldwyn-Mayer's filmThe Wizard of Oz(1939).[1]A former schoolteacher, she worked as acharacter actressin films for seven years before she was offered the role that defined her public image. In later years, Hamilton made frequent cameo appearances on televisionsitcomsandcommercials. She also gained recognition for her work as an advocate of causes designed to benefit children and animals and retained a lifelong commitment to public education.


The Shaggs:说不定尽力而为,就已经很厉害了呢The Shaggswere an Americanall-femalerockandoutsider musicband formed inFremont,New Hampshirein 1968. The band was composed of sisters Dorothy "Dot" Wiggin (vocals/lead guitar), Betty Wiggin (vocals/rhythm guitar), Helen Wiggin (drums) and, later, Rachel Wiggin (bass). They were occasionally joined on vocals by their brother Austin Jr. and nephew Robert.Dot, Betty and Helen formed the Shaggs in 1968, on the insistence of their father, Austin Wiggin, who believed that his mother had predicted their rise to stardom. Their only studio album,Philosophy of the World, was released in 1969. It failed to garner attention, though the Shaggs continued to perform locally. They disbanded in 1975 after the death of Austin.The Shaggs are notable for their perceived ineptitude at playing conventional rock music; they were described in oneRolling Stonearticle as "sounding likelobotomizedTrapp Familysingers."[7]Terry AdamsofNRBQcompared their melodic lines and structures to thefree jazzcompositions ofOrnette Coleman.

梅·贾米森:只要有信念,我们就能走的很远,无止境的远!Mae Carol Jemison(born October 17, 1956) is an Americanengineer,physician, and formerNASAastronaut. She became the firstblackwoman to travel into space when she served as amission specialistaboard theSpace ShuttleEndeavour. Jemison joined NASA'sastronaut corps in 1987and was selected to serve for theSTS-47mission, during which she orbited the Earth for nearly eight days on September 12–20, 1992.Born in Alabama and raised in Chicago, Jemison graduated fromStanford Universitywith degrees inchemical engineeringas well asAfricanandAfrican-American studies. She then earned her medical degree fromCornell University. Jemison was a doctor for thePeace CorpsinLiberiaandSierra Leonefrom 1983 until 1985 and worked as ageneral practitioner. In pursuit of becoming an astronaut, she applied to NASA.Jemison left NASA in 1993 and founded a technology research company. She later formed a non-profit educational foundation and through the foundation is the principal of the100 Year Starshipproject funded byDARPA. Jemison also wrote several books for children and appeared on television several times, including ina 1993 episodeofStar Trek: The Next Generation. She holds severalhonorary doctoratesand has been inducted into theNational Women's Hall of Fameand theInternational Space Hall of Fame.

佩姬·古根海姆:当我们懂得发现美的时候,艺术,便是让其他人也能感知这份美!Marguerite"Peggy"Guggenheim(/ˈɡʊɡənhaɪm/GUUG-ən-hyme; August 26, 1898 – December 23, 1979) was an Americanart collector,bohemianand socialite. Born to the wealthy New York CityGuggenheim family, she was the daughter ofBenjamin Guggenheim, who went down with theTitanicin 1912, and the niece ofSolomon R. Guggenheim, who established theSolomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. Guggenheim collected art in Europe and America primarily between 1938 and 1946. She exhibited this collection as she built it; in 1949, she settled inVenice, where she lived and exhibited her collection for the rest of her life. ThePeggy Guggenheim Collectionis a modern art museum on the Grand Canal in Venice, Italy, and is one of the most visited attractions in Venice.

索妮塔·阿里扎德:重要的是,要想办法让世界听到你的声音。(待售新娘(qq音乐有))Sonita Alizadeh(Persian:سونیتا علیزاده; born 1996)[1]is anAfghanrapper and activist who has been vocal againstforced marriages. Alizadeh first gained attention when she released "Brides for Sale," a video in which she raps about daughters being sold into marriage by their families. With the help ofRokhsareh Ghaem Maghami, an Iranian documentary filmmaker who over three years documented her story in the filmSonita, Alizadeh filmed the video to escape a marriage her parents were planning for her, even though it is illegal for women to sing solo in Iran, where she was living at the time.[2]After releasing the video on YouTube, Alizadeh was contacted by the Strongheart Group, which offered her a student visa and financial help to come and study in the United States of America, where she then relocated and has resided since.[3]In 2015, she was listed as one ofBBC's 100 Women.[4]

迪莉娅·埃克利:话说回来,谁说旅游一定要有男人作伴呢?出发去冒险,永远不嫌晚。Delia Julia Akeley(December 5, 1869 – May 22, 1970), commonly known by her nickname,Mickie, was an Americanexplorer. She was born inBeaver Dam, Wisconsin, a daughter of Patrick and Margaret (née Hanberry) Denning, Irish immigrants.

普兰·黛维:要反抗不公,就永远不能让愤怒保持沉默。Phoolan Devi(10August 1963– 25July 2001), popularly known as "Bandit Queen", was an Indian female rights activist,banditand politician from theSamajwadi Partywho later served asMember of Parliament.Born into a poor family in ruralUttar Pradesh, Devi endured poverty,child marriageand had an abusive marriage before taking to a life of crime. Having developed major differences with her parents and being raped multiple times by her husband, the teenage Devi sought escape by running away and joining a gang of bandits. She was the only woman in that gang, and her relationship with one gang member, coupled withcastedifference, caused a gunfight between gang members. Devi's lover, Vikram Mallah, was killed in that gunfight. The victorious rival faction took Devi to their village of Behmai, confined her in a room, and took turns to rape her repeatedly over several weeks. After escaping, Devi rejoined the remnants of her Mallah's faction who were gangs ofMallaah. A few months later, her new gang descended upon the village of Behmai to exact revenge for what she had suffered.[1][2]As many as twenty-two men belonging to that village were shot dead by Devi's gang.Devi evaded capture for two years after the massacre before she and her few surviving gang members surrendered to the police in 1983. She was charged with 48 crimes, including multiple murders, plunder, arson and kidnapping for ransom.[3]Phoolan spent the next eleven years in jail, as the various charges against her were tried in court. The respectful sobriquet 'Devi' was conferred upon her by the media and public at this point.[4]In 1994, the state government headed byMulayam Singh Yadavof theSamajwadi Partywithdrew all charges against her and Devi was released.[3]She then stood for election to parliament as a candidate of theSamajwadi Partyand was twice elected to theLok Sabhaas theMember of ParliamentforMirzapur. In 2001, she was shot dead at the gates of her official bungalow (allotted to her asMP) in New Delhi bySher Singh Ranawhose kinsmen had been slaughtered at Behmai by her gang. The 1994 filmBandit Queen(made around the time of her release from jail) is loosely based on her life until that point.

简瑟琳·拉达克:要想知道真相,就得在必要时刻挑战法律。(Jesselyn Radack | Americans Who Tell The Truth)www.americanswhotellthetruth.orgJesselyn Radack(born December 12, 1970) is an Americannational securityand human rights attorney known for her defense ofwhistleblowers, journalists, andhacktivists. She graduated from Brown University and Yale Law School and began her career as an Honors Program attorney at theU.S. Department of Justice.She is notable for defending prominent whistleblowers, includingNational Security AgencywhistleblowersEdward SnowdenandThomas Drake, each of whom was charged under theEspionage Act of 1917, as well as for her own experience as a whistleblower at the U.S. Department of Justice.While at the Justice Department, she disclosed that theFederal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) committed anethics violationin their interrogation ofJohn Walker Lindh(the "AmericanTaliban" captured during the2001 invasion of Afghanistan) without an attorney present, and alleged that the Department of Justice attempted to suppress that information. The Lindh case was the first major terrorism prosecution after9/11.[7]Her experience is chronicled in her memoir,TRAITOR: The Whistleblowerand the "American Taliban"and the documentarySilenced.Radack is the director of National Security & Human Rights atExposeFacts' Whistleblower and Source Protection Program.[8]She has been widely published and quoted regarding whistleblower, surveillance, Internet freedom and privacy. Her writing has appearedThe New York Times,L.A. Times,Washington Post,Guardian,The Nation,Legal Times, and numerous law journals. She frequently appears in the press, including all the major television networks, NPR, PBS, CNN,Al Jazeera, and the BBC.

克里斯蒂娜·乔根森:出生时的身体无关紧要,每个人都有定义自己的自由。Christine Jorgensen(May 30, 1926 – May 3, 1989) was an Americantrans womanwho was the first person to become widely known in the United States for havingsex reassignment surgery. Jorgensen grew up in theBronx, New York City. Shortly after graduating from high school in 1945, she was drafted into theU.S. Armyduring World War II. After her military service, she attended several schools and worked; it is during this time she learned aboutsex reassignment surgery. Jorgensen traveled to Europe, and inCopenhagen, Denmark, obtained special permission to undergo a series of operations beginning in 1952.She returned to the United States in the early 1950s and hertransitionwas the subject of aNew York Daily Newsfront-page story. She became an instant celebrity, known for her directness and polished wit, and used the platform to advocate fortransgenderpeople. She also worked as an actress and nightclub entertainer and recorded several songs. Jorgensen often lectured on the experience of being transgender and published an autobiography in 1967.

克里斯蒂娜·乔根森:出生时的身体无关紧要,每个人都有定义自己的自由。Christine Jorgensen(May 30, 1926 – May 3, 1989) was an Americantrans womanwho was the first person to become widely known in the United States for havingsex reassignment surgery. Jorgensen grew up in theBronx, New York City. Shortly after graduating from high school in 1945, she was drafted into theU.S. Armyduring World War II. After her military service, she attended several schools and worked; it is during this time she learned aboutsex reassignment surgery. Jorgensen traveled to Europe, and inCopenhagen, Denmark, obtained special permission to undergo a series of operations beginning in 1952.She returned to the United States in the early 1950s and hertransitionwas the subject of aNew York Daily Newsfront-page story. She became an instant celebrity, known for her directness and polished wit, and used the platform to advocate fortransgenderpeople. She also worked as an actress and nightclub entertainer and recorded several songs. Jorgensen often lectured on the experience of being transgender and published an autobiography in 1967.

阿格诺迪斯:知识不是男人专有的,尤其是在涉及女性身体的时候。AgnodiceorAgnodike(Ancient Greek:ἈγνοδίκηAgnodikē,Greek pronunciation:[aŋnodíkɛː]c. 4th century BCE) is a legendary figure credited as the first femalemidwifeorphysicianin ancient Athens. Her story is told by the Roman authorGaius Julius Hyginusin hisFabulae. Agnodice is not generally believed to be a historical figure, but her story has been frequently deployed as a precedent for women practising midwifery or medicine, or as an argument against either of these.According to Hyginus, Agnodice studied medicine underHerophilus, and worked as a physician in her home city of Athens disguised as a man, because women at the time were forbidden from practising medicine. As her popularity with female patients grew, rival physicians accused her of seducing the women of Athens. She was tried, and revealed her sex to the jury by lifting her tunic (a gesture known in ancient Greek asanasyrma). Accused of illegally practising medicine as a woman, she was defended by the women of Athens who praised her for her effective treatments. She was acquitted, and the law against female physicians in Athens was revoked.

洛芩:力量和勇气不是男性的特权。Lozen(c. 1840-June 17, 1889) was a warrior and prophet of the ChihenneChiricahuaApache. She was the sister ofVictorio, a prominent chief. Born into the Chihenne band during the 1840s, Lozen was, according to legends, able to use herpowersin battle to learn the movements of the enemy.[1]According to James Kaywaykla, Victorio introduced her toNana, "Lozen is my right hand ... strong as a man, braver than most, and cunning in strategy. Lozen is a shield to her people".

弗朗西斯·格莱斯纳·李: 大热爱可以带来一场小革命,法医学之母。Frances Glessner Lee(March 25, 1878 – January 27, 1962) was an American forensic scientist. She was influential in developing the science of forensics in the United States.[1]To this end, she created theNutshell Studies of Unexplained Death, 20 true crime scene dioramas recreated in minute detail atdollhouse scale, used for training homicide investigators. Eighteen of the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death are still in use for teaching purposes by the Maryland Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and the dioramas are also now considered works of art.[2]Glessner Lee also helped to establish the Department of Legal Medicine at Harvard, and endowed the Magrath Library of Legal Medicine there.[3]She became the first female police captain in the United States, and is known as the "mother of forensic science".

克莱芒蒂娜·德莱:自然总是充满惊喜,为什么要把他们藏起来呢?Clémentine Delait(5 March 1865 – 5 April 1939) was a Frenchbearded ladywho kept a café. She has been described by contemporaries as "the most illustrious and celebrated bearded lady in France" and "the perfect example of a bearded lady".

海蒂·拉码:美貌和智慧是可以并存的。Hedy Lamarr(/ˈheɪdi/; bornHedwig Eva Maria Kiesler; November 9, 1914[a]– January 19, 2000) was anAustrian-born American filmactressandinventor.[1]After a brief early film career in Czechoslovakia, including the controversialEcstasy(1933), she fled from her husband, a wealthy Austrian ammunition manufacturer, and secretly moved to Paris. Traveling to London,[2]she metMetro-Goldwyn-Mayerstudio headLouis B. Mayer, who offered her a movie contract in Hollywood. She became afilm starwith her performance inAlgiers(1938).[3]Her MGM films includeLady of the Tropics(1939),Boom Town(1940),H.M. Pulham, Esq.(1941), andWhite Cargo(1942). Her greatest success was as Delilah inCecil B. DeMille'sSamson and Delilah(1949).[4]She also acted on television before the release of her final film,The Female Animal(1958). She was honored with a star on theHollywood Walk of Famein 1960.[5]At the beginning ofWorld War II, she and composerGeorge Antheildeveloped a radio guidance system forAlliedtorpedoesthat usedspread spectrumandfrequency hoppingtechnology to defeat the threat ofjammingby theAxis powers.[6]Although theUS Navydid not adopt the technology until the 1960s,[7]the principles of their work are incorporated intoBluetoothandGPStechnology and are similar to methods used in legacy versions ofCDMAandWi-Fi.[8][9][10]This work led to their induction into theNational Inventors Hall of Famein 2014.

蝴蝶姐妹:为了纪念她们,11月25日被设立为国际反对妇女遭受暴力日。反对暴力和压迫,勇气必将战胜一切。TheMirabal sisters(Spanish pronunciation:[eɾˈmanas miɾaˈβal],Las Hermanas Mirabal) were three sisters, known commonly as Patria,Minerva, andMaría Teresa, who opposed the dictatorship ofRafael Trujillo(El Jefe) in theDominican Republicand were involved in clandestine activities against his regime.[1]The three sisters were assassinated on 25 November 1960. The last sister, Adela "Dedé", who was not involved in political activities at the time, died of natural causes on 1 February 2014.[2]The assassinations turned the Mirabal sisters into "symbols of both popular and feminist resistance".[3]In 1999, in their honor, theUnited Nations General Assemblydesignated 25 November theInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.


谢里尔·布里奇斯:我们远比自己想象的要强大。Cheryl Bridges, nowCheryl Treworgy, is an American former long-distance runner who once held the American and world record in themarathon, racing in the 1960s and 1970s. She was the first women runner to be on the cover of a running magazine.

卡蒂娅·克拉夫特:火山学家,我们可以一辈子安于一个温暖的角落,也可以尽情享受冒险的火热。Catherine Joséphine"Katia"Krafft(néeConrad; 17 April 1942 – 3 June 1991) and her husband,Maurice Paul Krafft(25 March 1946 – 3 June 1991), wereAlsatianFrenchvolcanologistswho died in apyroclastic flowonMount Unzen, inJapan, on June 3, 1991. The Kraffts were known for being pioneers in filming, photographing and recording volcanoes, often getting within feet oflava flows. Their obituary appeared in theBulletin of Volcanology.[1]Werner Herzog'sdocumentaryInto the Infernohighlights them.

Betty Davis(bornBetty Gray Mabry; July 16, 1944 – February 9, 2022) was an American singer, songwriter, and model. She was known for her controversial sexually-oriented lyrics and performance style, and for being the second wife of trumpeterMiles Davis.[1]HerAllmusicprofile describes her as "a wildly flamboyant funk diva with few equals ... [who] combined the gritty emotional realism ofTina Turner, the futurist fashion sense ofDavid Bowie, and the trendsetting flair of Miles Davis".

Nzingha Mbande(c.1583– 1663) was Queen of theAmbunduKingdoms ofNdongo(1624–1663) andMatamba(1631–1663), located in present-day northernAngola.[1]Born into the ruling family of Ndongo, Nzinga received military and political training as a child, and she demonstrated an aptitude for defusing political crises as an ambassador to thePortuguese Empire. She later assumed power over Ndongo after the death of her father and brother, who both served as kings, and would go on to conquer Matamba. She ruled during a period of rapid growth in theAfrican slave tradeand encroachment of the Portuguese Empire into South West Africa, in attempts to control the slave trade.[2]Nzinga fought for the independence and stature of her kingdoms against the Portuguese[1]in a reign that lasted 37 years.In the years following her death, Nzinga has become ahistorical figurein Angola and in the widerAtlantic Creoleculture. She is remembered for her intelligence, her political and diplomatic wisdom, and her brilliantmilitary tactics.

 8 ) 女性可以做任何她们想做的事!

1.娜丽劝说母亲摆脱酒后家暴的继父去往其他城市,在努力成为律师的道路上受挫,转而去机会更多的纽约成为一名记者。她首次采用隐性采访的方式,揭露布莱克威尔岛丑闻,把精神病院里的妇女患者遭受秘密折磨的事件公布于众。在传媒界取得如此高成就后,她毅然决然去探索世界,仅用72天就环游了世界。1914年,一战爆发,她成为首个女战地记者。 2.黑人妇女莱伊曼摆脱不幸的婚姻,从一次联合国志愿活动中发现自己的长处。通过与战争中的受害女性沟通,慢慢成为一名和平活动家。利比里亚因妇女运动日益壮大,国际间的施压使得独裁者下台。该国有产生历史上第一位女总统,她功成名就后,仍居江湖之远,或诺贝尔和平奖。 3.舔包,一个自闭症女孩在谋求动物福利种发光发热,甚至改变人民对自闭症的看法。“你与众不同的地方就是你的优势,”请相信自己哇! 4.家庭富裕的纳兹克小姐一生力行“反对社会一切的”。少女时期反对奥斯曼帝国歧视阿拉伯妇女的政策,志青年时期,成为反对殖民折的领导者。她的精神成为叙利亚人宝贵的精神财富。 5.其貌不扬的玛格丽特在逐梦演艺圈过程中被很多人建议整容,但她坚守初心,走适合自己的“反派”之路,最终成为一个家喻户晓的女演员。“你只需要接受自己的独特之处”,from your hear. 6.古灵精怪的乔吉娜与丈夫搬到临海的房子后,日复一日的海水侵蚀海岸。乔吉娜发明了梯田法守护海岸线并将之用于守护蒙托角灯塔,不论刮风下雨,她坚持在海边梯田上耕耘15年,该灯塔不负所望抵过海浪冲击。“毅力战胜一切”。 7.威金斯三姐妹在父亲的鸡娃政策下,成为当地小有名气的夏格斯乐队。在父亲突然离世,她们的乐队也解散了,但在此时突然声名大噪,成为摇滚明星。“只有尽力做好一件事”,念念不忘,必有回响。



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