

主演:伊万·麦克格雷格,瑞斯·伊凡斯,泰勒·拉塞尔,艾伦·伯斯汀,蕾克·贝尔,Mar'Ques Woolford,拉腊·弗林·鲍尔,Penelope Young,Ozzy Davidson,Shelby Lee Parks,Cesar Ramos,F·默里·亚伯拉罕,Joanne R. Chelsely,艾琳弗里奇,Kenna Blackburn,Asher Beverly,Dillon Brady,布伦特·莫雷尔·加斯金斯,Madison Geiger,米歇尔·玛丽·贾克







  Ewan McGregor impresses in Niclas Larsson's star-studded psychological indie drama based on Jerker Virdborg's novella.  Three siblings converge in a furniture store in the middle of nowhere. Here, their mother, portrayed by Ellen Burstyn, has barricaded herself on a couch. David (McGregor) does his best to diplomatically try to resolve the situation, but the other siblings (Rhys Ifans, Laura Flynn Boyle) seem to take the situation with frustrating nonchalance. And while the mother's stationary position on the couch brings forth Norenesque family conflicts to the surface, the furniture store appears increasingly labyrinthine, and David is chased through a never-ending Kubrickian nightmare with a desperate look in his eyes. Swedish director Niclas Larsson (Vatten, GFF 2013) returns to Gothenburg after a period in international advertising with a charged psychological drama that not only impresses with its star-studded cast.王牌剑客我的天堂城市这不是葬礼,这是复活黑夜跟踪狂:追捕连环杀手总裁在上2:恶魔情人YAKITORI:行星轨道敢死队诅咒2023山水有相逢秘密的时光助产士2以神之名:信仰的背叛村官普发兴识骨寻踪第二季深海历险记游走鬼门关我和班主任的故事白水牛之恋Fanatico我只是想走走逍遥法外 第六季鸿门宴传奇不一样的爱人国语花束般的恋爱闺蜜嫁到别再犹豫娇娃们红眼航班维多利亚一号夺宝幸运星第三季医者仁心再见原乡水玲珑1990阿卡普高敌后武工队新地群岛尤金·列维的宅老爹旅行 第二季医家兄弟一路向暖第二季重力小丑

